6 Effective Golf Exercises Using Exercise Bands

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When you load certain muscle groups in your backswing, then correctly unload that built-up energy as you swing through the ball, the game gets easy. However, it’s complicated kinematic stuff. Luckily, you can feel it — and learn it — with a simple golf exercise training aid. Secure one end of an exercise band under your trail foot and the other under your grip. Swing the club back, keeping the band taut the whole way. Better yet, stretch it.
Golf is a popular sport, enjoyed by people of all ages and abilities. One thing that many players don’t do is work out to maintain their fitness levels. The problem with doing this is not just in the workout itself but also in the recovery from it.
In this article, I’m going to talk about golf exercises using exercise bands that can help you maintain your fitness level while giving you full recovery time so you can work out again tomorrow!
How Golf Band Exercises Improve Your Golf Game
There are many people that play golf who are in pretty good shape, but there is also a large segment that needs to work on their fitness levels. These people need to think ahead to be able to golf for as long as they want to.
When you are in good shape, your body will be more resilient. Your flexibility and endurance will be up, and you won’t be spending as much time recovering from the game of golf itself.
By working out with exercise bands even one time a week, you can make a big difference over the course of 10 years. Golf band exercises help you stay comfortable with the movement and help prevent injury so you can enjoy the game for longer periods of time.
Golf band exercises are a great way to improve your fitness, strength, and flexibility. Your golf swing might get better as well.
Exercise bands have many benefits. This video will explain further why it does wonders to our bodies.
6 Golf Exercises Using Exercise Bands

Basic Golf Band Exercises
A variety of exercises using golf exercise bands can be done. The key is to see what works for you. Some people have a tendency to alternately pull and push their bodies, while other people need to alternate pulling and pushing their bodies in opposite directions.
There are many different instructions on how to do these exercises, but I’m going to give you some pretty simple golf band exercises that can be completed in less than ten minutes.
Step 1: Stand with both feet together, and your knees slightly bent (approximately 90 degrees). Put your hands on the exerciser bands to the side of your chest, arms hanging straight down from the shoulders. Keep your chest pressed forward, eyes facing forward. This is your starting position.
Step 2: While holding your body in the starting position, slowly move one exercise band down by pulling it up from behind with your right arm. Keep your elbow bent so you will not be using any upper body muscles to pull down the band (this is a “biceps-only” exercise).
Remember that you are pushing the band out rather than pulling it in. Continue to push and pull until you have covered half the length of the band.
Step 3: Return back to the starting position and repeat on the opposite side with the other exercise band (the “pulling” side is now brought into play). Remember that you are still keeping your elbows bent at all times.Step 4: Continue to alternate the movement between the two exercises until you have covered the full length of each exercise band.
Varying Your Golf Band Exercises
This is a great exercise for building stamina and endurance in your arms, but it only works one area of your body. So, you may want to incorporate a few other exercises with these basic golf band exercises to make your workout more focused.
Start with your arms in the starting position and your eyes forward. While keeping your chest pressed forward, slowly start to pull one foot up towards you until you are in the squatting position.
Return back to starting position and repeat on the other side. Continue to alternate between pulling leg into the knee and extending the leg out fully on both sides, for about 15 reps total.
If you get into the habit of doing a few sets of these exercises with these fitness bands, you will be better able to enjoy the sport you love for many years to come.
The Dead Pull Drill
The dead pull drill works all the muscles in your back while you do it, so your trunk and back muscles are working efficiently while you swing. When you have good flexibility, your body remembers how to move properly, and the movements will be more efficient when you change clubs or hit shots.
The golf band exercises dead pull drill is an excellent drill to help train your body how to use a proper backswing. The dead pull drill is a quick drill that will help you train your mind and body to use good mechanics as you take the club back.
1. Start with both feet in the middle of the band on all fours. Have someone mark a spot on each foot, so you know when it counts as one repetition. Make sure that when you’re doing crunches that your core is tight, but the movement doesn’t pull down at your waist or hips. Keep those hips up and open to help with distance accuracy.
2. With the back straight, take your arms out and grab the band.
3. Pull your arms back as you stand up without bending over. Don’t push off or kick to help you stand up. Just use the strength of your body to stand with control.
You might have to pull the band a little harder than when you started so it can come off the floor with your arm. Try not to let it hang loose on the ground when you are pulling it in.
4. As you stand, continue to pull your arms back and don’t let them swing along with the club. Use your natural swing motion.
5. Sit down again and repeat until you reach the number of repetitions you marked on your foot.
6. Stretch out and release the band tension with a slow and deliberate motion, so you aren’t just swinging without weight on it! It’s okay if it comes off the floor! Take as much time as needed to stretch out your back to get maximum results.
7. Repeat 15 times with each foot and 5 times on the other foot, and you’re done!
Note: If you want to vary your motion a little bit with the dead pull drill, stand up as much as you can, but only bend at the hips, so your back stays flat. Your arms should remain straight. Your chest and arms should be relaxed while they move along with the club, so don’t tense up or kick at all.
Hamstring Bridge
This strong exercise will stretch and strengthen your hamstrings down the back of your thigh. Starting position: Lie on your back with arms close to your body and heels off the ground. Lift your hips and legs off the ground and move them forward.
This movement will bend your legs up toward your chest, and you should feel it in all of your hamstrings. The top position is when your back is flat on the ground with legs crossed over each other at the ankles. Your feet are ~20 inches apart.
Exercise bands are used by keeping one foot on one end and pulling up on the other end, alternately for 10 reps on each side.
Incline Leg Lift
This exercise will strengthen and stretch those same hamstrings down the back of your thigh, as well as work out that lower back if you lift your leg enough. Start with your knee bent at about 90 degrees and hands either under the shoulders or holding a handle.
Start by lifting up by pushing off of the hands with your lower leg, then alternate this movement by pulling down on the opposite end. Using the fitness bands works out your hamstrings further than pushing and pulling on your own leg if you haven’t been able to do many squats.
Standing Calf Raise
This exercise works out those calves outside of the hamstrings, as well as working out that lower back if you lift up even higher on one foot (and keep it raised so that you don’t slouch). Start by standing on one leg and holding onto a stable object, such as the ground or another person.
Lift your other foot off the ground as high as you can and hold it for 10 seconds. Lower your foot back down to the ground and repeat with the other leg for 10 reps per side.
Wrap Up

If you want to start getting into some pretty good shape so that you can continue to do what you love after being injured, then these golf band exercises should be about all that is needed.
These are all exercises that I did in order to get back into good enough shape so that I didn’t have to be a spectator on the golf course again. They should work for you as well. Just watch out for those golf clubs, and if you get into the smallest bit of pain, STOP!
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. Why can’t I just use my own body weight for these exercises?
You absolutely could use your own body weight. But, the resistance is not as great as it could be, and you wouldn’t feel as strong afterward.
Plus, if you are recovering from an injury, you might need something to work out with since your muscle tone is likely quite different than before and could cause more of a pull or stress on those muscles than they are used to.
2. Can I use those heavy-duty rubber exercise bands instead?
I don’t know why anyone would want to do that when there are so many good-quality elastic exercise bands available nowadays.
3. Can I buy a set of resistance bands and use them on other parts of my body too?
Yes, you can definitely do that. In fact, the only part of your body that you wouldn’t be able to really use resistance bands for would be your biceps and triceps.
Since you aren’t able to hold onto any object while doing the exercises, you wouldn’t be able to get a good enough stretch in those muscles when using rubber resistance bands. However, you should be able to do push-ups and dips with exercise bands just fine!
4. What is the proper way to do these exercises?
I would recommend holding onto something about halfway down each rep. For example, if you are doing a push-up, then hold onto the handles of a weight bench at about waist height.
The reason for this is that it will give you a more stable base from which to pull yourself up, and it will reduce the risk of your wrists or elbows getting injured because you can get a better stretch by holding onto something while you are exercising.
The other main thing that I would recommend is ensuring that you go slowly and don’t rush through either these exercises or any others in your workout routine.