How To Buy A Used Golf Cart From The Golf Course

How To Buy A Used Golf Cart From The Golf Course

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Golf carts are commonly used at golf courses as a way to get around the property. When golfers are done for the day and have left the course, they need to return their carts before they can leave. After that, typically, these used golf carts will either be sold as refurbished or taken offsite in order to be disposed of properly. This article will walk you through the buying process from start to finish so you can find your own recycled cart!

7 Important Things To Consider

Used carts can be a great way to save money while getting some fun in the sun at the same time! Here are some of the things you will want to consider when choosing your next vehicle.

Things to consider before buying a used golf cart

Age of The Cart

The age is one thing you can gauge from a distance, but you can also ask the golf course how old they think it is. If it’s over five years old, chances are repairing may be needed at some point down the road. This should not be a deal-breaker for buying used equipment, but keep this in mind.


As mentioned before, there are three kinds of carts available for sale; refurbished (which we recommend), used, and demo models. If you are looking for a used cart, it’s best to go with one of those versus a demo model.

The main difference between them is that demo models have been used but less than ten times, while used carts have more than ten rounds played on them.


Most people don’t take the time to keep up with the maintenance of their carts. This is another thing you can ask the golf course about as they will know what has been done.

They may even have records for you to look over. Ask them their recommendation on what kind of maintenance should be done versus what can be done yourself. There are ways to troubleshoot your golf cart. You may read more about it in this article.


You want to know the age of the tires and if they have ever been replaced. The batteries should be checked, as well as the belts and hoses on the inside.

Check anything that may have an impact on safety while driving. If there is anything that looks questionable, take it into consideration when buying your used golf cart.


Pricing can vary greatly in this industry as there are very few used carts, so competition is not too high at times.

You can get as much as 40-60% off the price of a new cart, so do some research and know what you want before you go. When you make your offer, look into other factors that may be present such as the age of the cart and any maintenance concerns.


This is something else we will talk about in the next section but check with your state to see if you need a license or registration to operate this vehicle on public roads. If the cart is legal in your state, then you should register it with your local DMV.

There are certain fees involved for this, but at the same time, you can get the insurance that goes along with it. It’s always a good idea to make sure all of your bases are covered, and this is no exception.


Most golf courses will have all of the paperwork for the carts available for you to take home with you at no additional cost. You should take advantage of this and get any documents related to maintenance or parts replaced over time.

Types Of Golf Carts For Sale

Demo Carts

As mentioned before, these have less than ten golf rounds played on them and are still in great condition. They are cheaper, but you want to make sure you take a detailed look inside to check for any previous scratches or dents. If you can look at how it has been used, take it seriously and go from there.

Used Golf Carts

These are carts that have been played over ten times but still work like new. The tires may be a little worn down, and the battery may need charging occasionally, but other than that, they should be just fine.

Maintenance checks may be required as well, so make sure to find out which ones before going further with the deal.

Refurbished Golf Carts

These are the carts that are completely taken apart and fixed before being sold. They will look brand new and be ready to go in no time at all.

You can expect all of the maintenance to be complete on these carts, from the tires to the battery. You really don’t need to worry about anything as they have been gone over with a fine-tooth comb.

Buying golf carts for sale from a golf course is a great way to save money while picking up a fun new hobby for after work or on weekends.

You may even want to check out our golf cart buying guide. Click the link here.

3 Easy Steps To Speed Up The Process

Step 1: Research the Golf Course

The first thing you need to do when buying a golf cart is to look for a place where you can get one. You should start by looking at your local course.

They are usually in need of making some quick cash, so it makes sense that they will sell their carts as quickly as possible. The best course to buy your cart from is one that has many different kinds of carts and many different years of carts.

You want to be able to choose the cart that fits your needs the most. Also, try and negotiate with the owner a little bit to get a better price on the cart. Any extra savings you can get will help in the future of your cart.

Step 2: Purchase Your Cart

Now, it is time to find your cart. There are a few things that you need to take into account when purchasing a used golf cart. The most important thing to be aware of is the safety features of the vehicle.

If there is no seatbelt, then you should not purchase it at all because you could get injured if you do not have some sort of protection from the vehicle itself.

Also, make sure that the battery is intact so you can use your cart right away. If the battery is not in good condition, just replace it yourself or have someone else do it.

Golf course carts are generally very easy to take apart and put back together, so as long as you have the instructions, buying a used golf cart will be easy!

Step 3: Test Drive Your Cart

Finally, once you purchase your golf cart, we suggest that you take it out for a test drive around the course. This way, you can be sure that this is really what you want and if there are any other problems with it that need to be taken care of before purchasing.

Either way, we wish you the best of luck with your used golf cart and hope you enjoy it!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How much do golf carts cost?

Golf carts can be bought for around $2000 to $8000. The average price for a used golf cart is around $1500 to $2000, and if you find one lower than that, you should definitely consider it!

Just make sure that this does not sacrifice safety and quality parts located on the vehicle. You do not want to get stuck without a seatbelt on!

2. Where do I buy a used golf cart from?

Most people buy their used golf carts from the local golf course they play at. This makes sense because not many people want to pay thousands of dollars for something that costs hundreds of dollars new!

3. How do I know if the golf cart is in good condition?

Look for dents and rust on the outside of the cart (especially around where the seatbelt would be located). Also, look under the hood of the car to see if everything looks clean and put together or if there is damage to any of the wires or other parts.

Just make sure that you are not getting a used golf cart that is not in good enough condition to be safe to drive around!

4. Will I need to replace any parts on my golf cart after purchasing it?

Most likely, yes, just because of how old these vehicles typically are when they are put up for sale from a golf course. Some parts need to be replaced a little more frequently due to the frequent use these carts receive.

If you are not a mechanic, then you should look into having someone fix up your cart for you.

5. How much do new golf carts cost?

The price can range from $2000 to $8000, so there is a pretty large price spread depending on what you want out of your golf cart. All in all, the best place to find a used golf cart is at the local driving range or from a friend who owns one!

6. Can I have my own custom golf cart made?

Absolutely! You can have as many features as you want to be installed on your golf cart. As long as it is safe to drive, then there is no reason for you not to customize your golf cart!

7. Can I make my own golf cart?

Yes, you can build your own golf cart if you have the time and money to do so.

The best part about building your own golf cart is being able to add the features that you want and making sure that everything is safe and secure before taking it out for a drive around the course!

8. How much are used electric rechargeable carts?

Used electric rechargeable carts can generally be purchased for around $1000 to $2000, depending on the condition of the vehicle itself.

New golf carts are expensive, but if you can find one in good condition for a lower price, then go for it!

9. How can I find a used golf cart?

You should start by looking around your local area for golf carts that are being sold; this way, you can quickly get one and start using it before your next golf game!

Also, ask friends who play at other courses in the area if they know anyone who is selling a used cart that you might be interested in buying.

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