The Best Golf Exercises & Stretches

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Golf is a very physically intensive sport while at the same time requiring you to possess a lot of mental discipline. You can have the strongest and athletic body in the world, but if you don’t have strong mental discipline and focus, you will never be able to unleash your true potential in this game. Golf exercises can definitely improve your golf game.
Being in good physical shape helps, but even someone who is out of shape but has proper mental concentration can succeed in this sport. So with that said, before we take a look at the list of exercises and stretches for golfers, let us first discuss the benefits you get from golf exercises and golf stretches.
Benefits Of Golf Exercises & Stretches

Golf is a game that requires a lot of body motion. If you play golf, your body will be moving side to side, forward and backward, up and down, and all around.
And if you want to get the most out of your physical ability in this game, it is really important for you to have a good physique.
Working out with weights and doing various exercises not only helps you build up strong muscles but also helps you improve flexibility in your joints and ligaments, which aids in preventing injuries during golf swings or during normal course activities.
Benefits of Golf Stretches

It is important to be flexible. You should be able to move your body freely. Golfers need a lot of flexibility not only during swing downward but also while rising up. Flexibility helps prevent injury from golf swing by preventing your muscles from stretching or straining too much. In fact, you can reduce muscle fatigue by at least 15% if you stretch properly before and after each round of golf game based on the study conducted by
Things You Can Do To Improve Your Flexibility
Aside from doing golf stretches, you can also improve your flexibility by doing various simple stretches every day. Below are some easy to do but very effective stretching exercises:
The Chair Stand
This exercise is one of the most effective ones for golf since it targets strengthening your core body. You will need a partner to help you perform this exercise. Make sure that when your partner pulls on your hands, you have a good balance, and your feet are firmly planted on the ground.
The moment your partner starts pulling on both of your hands, quickly stand up like how you do in a chair (hence the name of the exercise). Do 3 sets with 15 reps each set.
The Leg Tuck
This exercise is a great way to strengthen your abs and lower body muscles. However, since it is one of the more difficult ones, you will need to work up to performing this exercise. You will need a partner for this exercise as well.
You can use either a door or a low baluster for this exercise. All that you have to do is lie flat on the ground with your legs straight and palms flat on the floor at shoulder level.
Have your partner pull your right foot towards his end of the door or baluster while also holding onto your hands at shoulder level.
Try pulling yourself and bring your head up over your wrists, then drop back down to repeat an exhale slowly while going back down. Repeat this exercise for 15 reps on each limb once a day.
The Leg Lowering Exercise
This is an excellent exercise for strengthening the leg muscles, but it is also very hard to do because of the complexity and difficulty attached to it. It is best that you do this exercise with a partner who will be able to provide support and guidance while you go through this process.
This is an advanced level, so you should work up to it by adding more resistance into the process instead of just going ahead and doing 1 set of 50 reps without warming up or anything like that.
You will lie down flat on your back while your partner positions himself slightly above and between your legs. Then he will extend both of his arms while keeping them straight.
You have to grab onto your partners’ hands and keep them at the sides of your thighs.
Your partner will then push both legs straight up in the air with you holding on while inhaling slowly, then exhale slowly in order to bring your feet closer to the ground as you go back down. Do 3 sets with a total of 50 reps per set.
The Side Plank
This exercise is another one from Pilates which focuses mainly on strengthening the core body as well as on developing balance and stability in it. You will need a mat or soft carpet for this exercise.
If you really want to, you can use a pillow underneath your body instead of using the mat or carpet. Then all that you have to do is lie down on your right side while positioning the body in a straight line from neck to ankles.
Rest your upper body weight on your right elbow while keeping your left arm extended beside your head for support. It is best if you can have someone spot you and give instruction during this process since it can be difficult to perform without proper guidance.
For example, he or she should tell you when exactly to inhale and exhale as well as how long each phase should last.
The Quad Stretch Exercise
This is a perfect exercise for people who have a history of knee injuries or are just recovering from one. This target’s the quadriceps muscle group and also helps you with flexibility. It is best if you use a yoga mat or carpet for this exercise as well.
You will need your legs to be fully extended and then bend at the knees while holding onto your left ankle with your right hand. Let your left leg rest on top of your right thigh but make sure that both of your legs are straightened out as much as possible.
Now slowly pull yourself forward until you feel pain in the front part of your quad, then slowly release back to the original position while exhaling slowly.
Arm Circles
Using The Lateral Flexion Method
This is a great exercise for developing the lateral flexion muscles in the arms. It is also best if you have someone help you with this exercise since it can be difficult to do alone. In addition, you will need a yoga mat or carpet.
First of all, you will lay down flat on your back with your head tilted slightly downwards and your arms fully extended beside your body.
Then slowly begin to move one arm in a circular motion at shoulder level while making sure that your arm stays completely extended throughout the process. Do 3 sets of 15 reps per set.
The Shoulder Shrug Exercise
This is an excellent exercise to prepare your shoulders for the day’s workout in the gym. You will need a yoga mat or carpet for this exercise as well as a training partner. You will start by standing straight with your arms fully extended in front of you.
Then have your partner slowly raise one arm up and down into the air while you slowly lower it back down to starting position. Make sure that you are not moving during this process and that it is your partner who is lifting and lowering your arm.
Now repeat with the opposite arm, making sure that both arms are balanced out in terms of intensity.
Arm Circles
This is another variation of the arm circle exercise that we have already discussed. This time, however, you will use two small yoga balls. In addition to this, you will need a partner in order to perform this exercise effectively.
First of all, you will begin by lying flat on your back with your hands holding small yoga balls at the sides of your torso.
Next, you will lift both arms up into the air while keeping the palms facing inward and then slowly lower your arms back down again while exhaling slowly. Now have your partner hold onto your feet as you do this exercise.
Leg Raises
This is yet another yoga exercise that is perfect for increasing flexibility. This time, however, you will start out by sitting on the floor with one leg raised high enough that you can easily place your hand right in front of it. Next, try lifting that leg up into the air as far as you can while exhaling.
Once this has been completed, bring the leg back down and exhale once more before repeating this process once again with the other leg.
Bent Side Stretch
This pose is great to help relieve backaches and pains, as well as tension from the upper half of the body. It is a wonderful pose for those who spend long hours at work hunched over their desk or on the computer.
Start out by standing up and bending over to one side. Your hands can be placed on your thighs or on the ground in front of you.
If you are new to this pose, it may be best to keep your hands on your thighs so that you can have some assistance balancing yourself until this pose becomes easier.
Once bending over to one side is achieved, try reaching the opposite hand overhead while exhaling.
The last exercise is a simple one that can be completed with ease by anyone. This is done by simply widening the stance that you place your feet in while slowly lowering yourself down into a lunge.
While doing this, you will want to make sure that you keep your back upright as well as your arms at your side.
You are going to want to hold this lunge for no less than fifteen seconds while inhaling and exhaling slowly throughout so that you are able to work on getting your breathing under control as well.
Wrap Up

We hope this article was able to help you to understand how important golf stretches and golf exercises are. The exercises we have shown you are very effective and easy to do, but they will only do you any good if you are consistent.
Exercises must be done regularly, or else all of the hard work will go down the drain.
The bottom line is that if you want to improve your game, it is a good idea for you to incorporate some of these exercises into your daily routine on a regular basis.
Read more about the importance of golf health here.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. I have problems with your exercises. I have been taking golf lessons for a while now, but nothing seems to be working for me. I am unsure if it is my swing or my flexibility, but either way, if you have any advice at all, I would really appreciate it!
Although this question is a very good one, we are not exactly sure what the person needs. If they are having problems with their swing, then they need to take more lessons and possibly work on a few different kinds of swings from a professional instructor.
However, if the problem is that they do not have enough strength or flexibility in order to play golf properly, then we do have many suggestions that can be helpful for them.
For example, the best thing that any golfer can do is to spend some time working out in the gym. They should specifically focus on developing their core body as well as on building their muscle strength.
They can also improve their flexibility by doing at least one of the stretches we have discussed in this article. A person does not need a lot of time to complete these exercises either.
In fact, even just three minutes of daily stretching and exercise can help them a lot since it will make them feel more energized throughout the day.
2. I am a beginner when it comes to golf, and I am having problems with my flexibility since I have never been able to reach all the way down during my swing before. Do you have any advice for me?
If this question was asked by a beginner who has just started taking lessons, then we would first recommend that they make sure that they are doing everything correctly.
They should practice their swing slowly and patiently to make sure that they are doing everything right before speeding up too quickly.
They should also work on their flexibility by doing some of the stretches we have mentioned in this article.
3. I am a teenager who is really eager to learn how to play golf so I can join a boys’ golf team at my high school. However, I am having problems with my flexibility since I have never played before. How can I improve my flexibility?
If this question was asked by a teenager who just wants to learn how to play golf so that he can join the boys’ golf team at his high school, then he should know that he will not have to spend that much time working out and doing exercises.
He needs to make sure that he has three or four hours of practice in a week and really be diligent while learning new things.
4. I am having problems with my shoulders when it comes to my swing since they pop out of place during every swing I take. It is very damaging for me since I feel like it is holding me back from achieving success. How can I limit this?
If this question was asked by someone who has little experience when it comes to golf and is having problems with their shoulders when they swing, then they will be glad to know that there are several stretches that can help them.
One example of these stretches would be the shoulder shrug exercise we have discussed in this article.
5. I am a beginner when it comes to golf. I have just started taking lessons, and so far, everything seems to be going fine for me except for my flexibility. I need more stretching exercises in order to improve my game, but I am unsure what kind of stretching exercises are best for someone like me.
If this question was asked by someone who has only just started taking lessons when it comes to golf and is having problems with their flexibility, then they should know that there are many different stretching exercises for them to choose from.
One of the best stretches we have discussed in this article is the bent side stretch exercise.
6. I am a beginner when it comes to golf, but I have done a lot of research on the topic. I have come across some really great information about stretches that can help improve my game but I do not have anyone teach me how to do them so I can practice at home. What exercises would you recommend to me?
If this question was asked by someone who has just started taking lessons when it comes to golf and has already done a lot of research on the topic, then they will be glad to know that there are a large number of different stretches they can do.
For example, the best stretch we have discussed in this article is the bent side stretch.