10 Easy Golf Exercises To Increase Your Distance!

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You can do many different golf exercises to increase your distance, and it is important to note that these exercises are great for both your form and your health. What matters is making sure your body is in a good position following the swing of your club.
10 Types Of Golf Exercises For Distance

1. Ball Stretches
Golfers really need to work on their flexibility. Ball stretching will specifically help golfers improve flexibility in the upper body, making it easier to make a good swing and play a good shot.
- Begin by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent.
- Start by bringing the ball behind you at head level, keeping your arms at your sides and your feet parallel to the ground.
- Once you’ve achieved this position, take one step forward and hold for 8-10 seconds before returning to the starting position.
- Repeat 3-5 times on each side of your torso (upper and lower) and continue until you feel that you are getting better.
2. The Pike
This golf exercise will help golfers make sure they don’t bend their knees too much during their swings. It will help them lengthen out their bodies and improve balance.
- First, stand with your right side facing a mirror. Be sure that your hips are open to the left.
- Place your hands on top of the knees for support, and then lift both legs so they are straight in the air, working on keeping your pelvis level during this action.
- Hold this position for 30 seconds before moving to the other leg/side.
- Repeat 3-5 times for each leg.
3. Seated Cable Rows
This golf exercise will help golfers strengthen the arms, core, and back muscles.
- Sit on a bench with your feet flat on the floor, knees bent, and hips open.
- Place a cable machine at the end of your lower back while holding it in place with your hands.
- Pull the handle towards your chest and hold for 30 seconds before returning it to the start position and repeating 3-5 times for each side of your torso (upper and lower).
4. Side Plank
This golf exercise will help golfers improve balance, improve their core strength, and stretch out their bodies in all directions.
- Start by lying flat on your side with your right leg on top of the left, and then place your elbow on a bench.
- Lift your top leg, so it is straight in the air, and keep your hips up in the air as you lift the bottom leg.
- It would help if you were looking towards a point outside of you with this position. Finding the balance here will help to prevent injury.
- Hold this for 30 seconds before lifting the leg opposite to the one you’re holding and repeating 3-5 times.
5. The Ball/Bridge
This golf exercise will help golfers perform a full range of motions in their swing. You’ll want to be sure that your hips are open, your arms are at your sides, and you’re looking at the ball without bending your knees.
- Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent, placing a ball between them.
- Keeping your hips open and your core engaged, make sure that you’re looking at the ball while you take a full swing at it.
- Repeat 3-5 times for each side of your torso (upper and lower).
6. Upper Body Mobility
This golf exercise will help golfers keep their bodies in alignment throughout their swings.
- You’ll want to lie flat on a mat with your feet shoulder-width apart and knees bent.
- Bend at your elbows and raise about 10 inches off the floor while keeping your back on the ground. Keep your legs straight as you do this. Then repeat 3-5 times for each side of your torso (upper and lower).
7. Side Lying Leg Raise
This golf exercise will help golfers develop their core strength while increasing upper body strength.
- Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent.
- Grab a resistance band and hold it in front of you.
- Keeping your arms straight and your knees slightly bent, slowly pull the band down to your sides. Return it to starting position and repeat 3-5 times for each side of your torso (upper and lower).
8. Seated Pulley Rows
This golf exercise will help golfers improve the strength in their core and upper body muscles.
- Sit down with your legs straight out in front of you, knees bent and feet flat on the ground.
- Place one ankle on each side of a bench.
- Loop the resistance around the pulleys and pull down until you feel a stretch in your hamstrings, holding for 30 seconds or longer as needed.
- Repeat 3-5 times for each side of your torso (upper and lower).
9. Russian Twist Side Stretching
This golf exercise will help golfers strengthen their core muscles while increasing flexibility in the shoulders, hips, and arms.
- Start by lying on your stomach with your arms extended toward the ceiling and your legs bent into 90-degree angles.
- Bring one arm forward and bend it while keeping your other arm straight, then slowly rotate the elbow down to the side of your body.
- Repeat 3-5 times for each side of your torso (upper and lower).
10. The Standing Side Bend
This golf exercise will help golfers stretch their hips, hamstrings, back, shoulders, and core muscles.
- Start by standing with both feet slightly apart, knees slightly bent, and hands outstretched towards each other at shoulder height.
- Lean on one side as far as you can while bending the bent leg’s knee toward the floor.
- Hold for 30 seconds or more and repeat on the other side.
Sometimes listening to the pro golfers can to improve our golf swing, here is a video of how to train like Phil Mickelson:
Wrap Up
Those are some exercises that will increase distance on the golf course. These exercises are essential because they will help prevent injury when having an extended swing, leading to long timeouts on the course or requiring medical attention if neglected for too long.
By doing these exercises, you can build an overall athletic body that will also help with golf.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. I tried doing some of these exercises, but my back still hurts. How can I improve flexibility?
After exercising, it is important to stretch your muscles. Stretching while the muscles are warm can help loosen up tight spots you may have developed from working out or playing sports.
It would be best if you also drank plenty of water to avoid injuries and remain hydrated. Drinking water will also keep your body flexible and full of energy to give you enough power to swing well on the golf course.
2. How often should I do these exercises?
It depends on what your golfing schedule is like. If you can practice every day, you should be doing these exercises three times a day with a warm-up for 5 minutes and stretching for another 5 minutes afterward. It’s important to stick to an exercise plan to improve.
3. What kind of equipment do I need?
Basically, all that is needed to do these exercises at home is a comfortable place to lie down (such as your bed) or something stable to balance on (like a carpet or stairs).
For the sit-ups, push-ups, and lunges, you should have a clear space where you can move around without running into anything or getting hurt. The only additional equipment is a golf club to swing, which you will need for the back extension and shuffle exercises.
4. What if I am unable to do these exercises?
If you get injured or cannot do these exercises for any reason, then call a physical therapist as soon as possible so they can advise you on what activities are safe for your current condition. If all else fails, then see your doctor immediately.
5. My muscles are still sore from doing these exercises; how can I speed up the recovery time?
To find out more about the best stretching techniques for effective muscle recovery, check out LINK.